MANAGER: He put a real shift in for us

Four goals from two games isn’t bad – not bad at all.

And with three of them being a first ever career hat-trick, it stands to reason that perpetrator Jordan Gibson has enjoyed a fair bit of coverage over this last week or so.

When manager Paul Simpson was informed that his man of the moment hadn’t netted more than once in games where he’d scored, he said: “He’s obviously learning and improving.

“We’ve said for weeks that he should be getting more goals because he can get those for us. His assists were really good last year, he’s now added some goals to it, and I’m really pleased with what he’s doing.

“I’m pleased with everybody because they all played their part. That’s from Tomas in goals with some of the things he did, all the way up to Joe Garner who I thought was absolutely outstanding. He led the line on his own, he got free kicks, he got hold of it and linked it for us, so we got a big performance out of everybody.”

His scoring feats started at the weekend with a penalty, with one having already been missed by the Blues.

“As a player you have to try and forget about what’s gone before,” the gaffer told us. “It’s the here and now and he kept his composure.

“We’ve mentioned his level of performance for a few weeks now and what an achievement to come to a place like Bolton and get a hat-trick.

“He’s taking the ball away because of his composure for the penalty. His other one was about being brave enough to take a shot, and if it took a deflection it doesn’t really matter.

“Once we’ve defended that first ball from the corner for his third, and we know the goalkeeper is out, it’s then just a case of staying calm.

“I have to say that I was concerned when he did that Cruyff turn, when the goal was gaping and he had Terry one side and Alfie on the other, but thankfully he had the composure to slot it in.

“What a feeling that is when it hits the net. I’ve got to be honest, I didn’t even see the celebrations with our fans because somebody jumped on my back. I think it was Joe Garner.

“To be fair, Gibbo looked tired at the end, but you do find energy when you’re a forward-thinking player and you get an opportunity to go and score. It’s amazing how you can find that energy to get it done.

“Look, Gibbo has risen to the challenge. He’s been very good. Even last season he had spells in games where he did it, but he just wasn’t consistent enough.

“I think when you’ve got his ability you have to marry that to a work ethic. You can’t fault his work ethic now, he’s putting a hell of a shift in for us. 

“We’re all delighted, but I’m chuffed to bits for everybody. It’s a big result. Gibbo obviously gets the plaudits because he’s got a ball under his arm, but it was everybody who earned that result, even the lads not involved in the starting XI, all the staff, everybody’s earned it.

“We were good value for it as well.”

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