TRINITY SCHOOL: United duo get a grilling

Former Trinity pupil Owen Moxon made a return to his old school on Thursday afternoon having accepted an invitation from the PE Department to face a series of questions from year 7, 8 and 9 students.

The Carlisle born midfielder took fellow first-team player Morgan Feeney along with him, and the pair had a great time as they hosted the event in the Sports Hall.

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"Oi, Mox, do you know my mam," was a pretty good opening gambit, we think you'll agree, before more serious discussions followed on which teams they support and the amount of work that goes into being a professional footballer, to name but a few of the subjects covered.

Owen also spoke about how hard it was to be released as a youngster with Carlisle, and the patience he had to show as he forged his way to a contract offer from Paul Simpson in the summer.

There's also a possibility that a new goal celebration could be on show should either of them find the back of the net, with a group of the youngsters keen to set them a challenge ...

... but then again, maybe not, due to its complicated nature and frustration from all concerned when a final version couldn't be agreed.

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The session ended with a series of selfies and autographs and, as now appears to be the norm, everything from foreheads to knees and phone cases were signed. 

"I couldn't believe it!" Owen exclaimed. "I was invited to go back to my old school, and I thought I'd take Morgan along so he could see it, but as soon as we walked through the door everybody started singing, FEENEY, FEENEY, FEENEY.

"What's that all about! Seriously though, it was really enjoyable and good for us to be able to meet the students.

"A lot of them were Carlisle fans so they were buzzing as much as we were. Thanks to everybody at Trinity for making it such a good event."

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"There were some tough questions for us to answer there," Morgan told us. "It was nice to meet everybody from Mox's old school and I just hope they all had as good a time as we did.

"It's great to hear how excited everyone is about what we're doing as a team and hopefully we can keep that going so we carry on seeing all the smiles and happy faces that we're getting when we go out and about at the moment."

Read Time: 3 mins