Minutes from the December meeting of CUSG
CUSG Meeting - 1 Dec 16Attendance: Nigel Clibbens, Andy Hall, Amy Nixon, Phil King (CUFC), Jim Mitchell, Alastair Woodcock (CUOSC), Simon Clarkson (Chair- London Branch), Barry Carter (Disabled Rep)
Apologies: John Kukuc (CUOSC)
Not represented: CUSAT, West Cumbria Travel
1. Ground
The bulk of staff had re-located to the first floor of the East Stand, which had been fitted out but was still lacking some furniture. It was considered a better working environment.
Plans to redecorate and refurbish the Sunset Suite had been discussed internally. The club's plan was to kit it out where possible using commercial partners who would provide the bulk of the work at no cost. Furniture would still require funding, however. Toilets and corridors would also be upgraded as part of the plan. An idea for supporters to operate a 'bottle bar' was discussed. Volunteer staff might be needed in any case. Groups would continue to be consulted over these plans. CUOSC offered to survey their members over potential refurbishment options. Survey questions/options to be agreed with club first.
The issue of home and away flags/banners was discussed. At the moment away flags/banners were only allowed to be draped in the Waterworks End. The club said they would enquire about the possibility of moving away flags/banners to the East Stand.
2. Trading Name
Due to the absence of two groups, a decision on this was deferred. The two groups represented gave their preferences from the shortlist.
3. Fun Day 2017
There were no specific new ideas for this. There was enthusiasm for live music in a beer tent, and for tours of the stadium. Access to the pitch would be unavailable. Any training session by the first team squad would need tighter management than last year. CUOSC again offered to seek ideas via its regular members survey.
4. Investment Update
Nigel updated the group briefly. The overseas investor option was still 'live'. There was no overall deadline for the proposals but each part of it was being managed to ensure progress was made. There had been two visits by the overseas individual and separate talks with his agent. CUOSC remained very closely involved with each stage.
5. Events
Plans were advanced to provide a marquee for the Yeovil game on December 17. Heineken had agreed to install the bar and provide the drinks. Season ticket holders would qualify for a free pint (or soft drink) of their choice. Club's caterers will provide a food outlet. A couple of potential live bands were being negotiated with. Ex-players would be available, and some volunteers needed to hand out vouchers for free drinks. The tent would be open from 12-12.30 onwards. The capacity of the tent would be 250. The plan was to open pre-match only, but it was still possible to open up afterwards. Further advice to be sought on this.
The CUFC Legends event in January had now sold out. Further meetings would be needed to sort out the logistics and volunteers would be sought on the night.
6. Disabled facilities
The next meeting to discuss this project was to be held on Monday at 2pm. The council had now been consulted over potential planning issues, and safety regulations. Matt Spooner at World Group had offered ideas for modifications. Funding for labour only would be needed. The Fans' Fund grant of up to £10,000 was still in play, and could be used to fund the work. All available forms to apply for this were online. Funds from Level Playing Field were also potentially available.
A surgery for disabled fans this weekend would canvass views on a new disabled supporters group. The club had already changed its policy on tickets for carers after a complaint had been made. This would increase the eligibility for carer tickets.
7. Finances
A bank account in CUSG's name had now been opened with the Cumberland Building Society. A formal donation out of CUSG's funds had been made. This had allowed the club to purchase Go Pro cameras. These cameras had already been put to good use in producing content for the club's website. Nigel proposed that all content produced with the Go Pro equipment would have a 'Brought to you by the CUSG (or new trading name)' message included, in future.
8. Club Song
Junior Blues had helped Peter Scholes to record the chorus of the new club song. A CD of it would be available soon and would go on sale in the club shop. The price was estimated at £3 per CD.
9. AOB
An idea was put forward by Simon on behalf of the London Branch to transport an 'object' (possibly a cuddly 'Olga' toy?) from Carlisle to Exeter in time for the end of season fixture. This would be relayed from supporter to supporter via different modes of transport. Associated fund-raising would benefit the Great North Air Ambulance, who both the club and CUOSC were supporting as a partner charity.