INTERVIEW: We'll do things that everybody can see

Ahead of the Euros this summer, United are installing a big screen in the Fan Zone at Brunton Park.

Speaking on this in further detail on Thursday afternoon, Chief Executive Nigel Clibbens said: “We've got the big screen ready, that should be installed next week, ready for the Euros. 

“It is going to be a whopper of a screen, it's big, and it's going to be fantastic. You can imagine fans watching England in the fan zone, because we know how busy it gets, and it's going to be great. 

“These are community events, so we're really excited about that. We’re looking at England and Scotland games, and then we'll see how we go towards the end of the tournament. 

“It’s going to be new for us, and these are all commercial opportunities. It's great to get fans involved in the club, because we've seen that fan zones and these events perform well, when England do well and they can be great to be a part of. 

“We're really looking forward to seeing how that goes. Again, it's brand new, and we hope that the fans support it, and think, right, I'm going to go and watch England out in the sunshine on an evening at Brunton Park on the big screen, have a few beers, and have a great cheer. 

“It makes it all a hub and attracts people here, it gets us to do things away from just being a 23-game-a-season venue, all this kind of stuff, and it's different. 

“One of the things that the ownership has been really strong on is that they want to make improvements for everybody, so it's not just on the field. Often it can be, right, just focus on the field. It's not to say you exclude the on the field stuff from nearly everything, it has to be all in parallel, so it's, right, we'll invest on the field, we'll invest off the field, we'll invest for fans, we'll invest for businesses, we'll invest for other users of the site, we'll do things for the players, we'll do things that everybody can see.

“Everybody gets something, and I think that's really good. That then extends to the community stuff and wanting to make a difference there as well.”

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