MANAGER: His relationship with the fans was a big thing

Having signed his loan deal too late in the day to be eligible for the Shrewsbury game, Rotherham forward JJ Kayode was on selfie and autograph signing duties before and after the game as he received a lovely welcome back to Brunton Park.

“It’s given me a lift to know we’ve got another option in forward areas,” manager Paul Simpson said. “We had to fight really hard to get him but thankfully he enjoyed his time here.

“It’s a big thing that he felt the relationship he had with the fans was a big reason for him to come back again. He was adamant he was coming here, he told me on Friday morning that we were the only team he was going to come to.

“He kept us waiting but it’s a really good addition. We’ve got to look after him because he’s had a bit of a troubled time with injuries, but I’m looking forward to getting working with him.

“Like I said on Friday night, he was one of the first strikers we talked about in June. I knew if we could get him we thought he’d be a real handful. He wasn’t fully fit, so we had to be patient, then he wasn’t going to come out, then he was. It’s just gone to and fro.

“There were a lot of clubs after him, clubs who can pay more money than us, it’s as simple as that. We were in to do a permanent, the directors backed us and said go and do it, and we’re talking a serious amount of money more than our record transfer.

“It didn’t come to that because Rotherham extended his contract and it was then about a loan, but thankfully he was adamant, he told us this was the move he wanted.

“And I’m so pleased he's chosen to do it. Now we’ve got to try and get the best out of him to help him move on in his career.”

For a player to feel comfortable with a move before he’s even do it has got to be a big tick in any box.

“It’s huge,” the gaffer agreed. “We’re talking about a player who’s been involved in every Championship game this season for Rotherham, he’s certainly come on in the last few, and he’s also played in the League Cup for them.

“He’s a player who could quite easily have said I’m going to stay a Championship player and stay on the outside of it. But he said no, I’m going to come here, I want to try and get in the team, do everything I possibly can to help Carlisle United.

“The fans are a big pull. He remembered the relationship he had, the positive feeling he had from the fans last time. We hope he can get that again. 

“He brings a different dimension. He’s bulked out since he was here last time, he’s a real good athlete, he’s got some traits that will really add to our group, I’m delighted he’s part of us now. 

“The fans are really backing us and hopefully that happens for him again. We’re only talking about the smallest margins of ones who’ve caused trouble. The rest, they’ve been outstanding. Long may that continue.

“I said this week it’s always easy when you’re getting results to stick together. We need everybody to stick together. The football club won’t move forward if we don’t stick together. We need crowds like we’ve been getting to give us a real fighting chance.

“This is a tough standard, we’re competing for the first time in many years at this level. It’s moved on since we were in it the last time, there’s been a massive improvement in what this level’s like, and we’re trying to compete, to hang onto the coat tails of teams in that mid-table and see if we can drag ourselves up.”

The next challenge for United’s latest signing is to break his way into the team.

“Without a doubt he comes into the thinking for Tuesday,” he confirmed. “We want to get him playing as soon as we possibly can and Accrington is the first opportunity. 

“He’s not the only one, everybody has to fight to get into the team. I want everybody to understand that’s the case.

“Sometimes you’ve got to give a bit of a sugar lump to players. There were players involved in the game at the weekend who didn’t deserve to be left out of it.

“Everybody has got to keep pushing each other because I think if you get the standards right Monday-Friday, then the Saturday becomes a bit easier for the lads who are involved.

“There’s a lot of good things we can build on, but it doesn’t change the whole season or the fact that this is going to be a tough season, but it gives us something to hang onto.”

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