GALLERIES: TrustFord UK take up image sponsorship

A very popular feature on the official website are our match and training galleries and we’re delighted to confirm that TrustFord, who have recently opened a new dealership up in Kingstown, to the north of the city, will be sponsoring all of our action images this season.

Their logo will appear on the website in support of every gallery we launch, along with acknowledgement on social media of this fantastic sponsorship package. 

Media officer Andy Hall said: “The match and training galleries we produce are extremely popular, with very high viewing figures as soon as they are uploaded and live.

“By sponsoring the galleries TrustFord are helping us to provide a service that is important to the fans and the club.

“Their logo will appear on every gallery we launch in recognition of the fact that this is a fantastic way to kick off our new partnership, and we hope to be working even closer with TrustFord for many years to come.” 

Stuart Mustoe, Chief Executive Officer of TrustFord, said: “We are incredibly proud to sponsor Carlisle United Football Club.

“The partnership comes at a time of great excitement for TrustFord as we recently opened the doors to our new dealership on Kingstown Industrial Estate. 

“Supporting local communities where we have representation is an integral part of what we do, so this is a perfect opportunity for TrustFord to give something back and we are delighted to be able to support the club. We wish the players and the coaching staff every success for the season.” 

Click HERE to visit the official TrustFord website. 

We look forward to welcoming TrustFord UK as our match sponsors tonight.

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