INTERVIEW: I don't know what my target is

Striker Kristian Dennis is the top goal scorer in League Two with 17 league goals to his name, and we caught up with him this week to get his thoughts on the Harrogate game, personal accolades and the trip to Wimbledon.

“For Harrogate not to have a shot on target but for us to lose the game was disappointing,” he admitted. “There’s nothing we can do about it now, so we’ll just crack on when we go to Wimbledon at the weekend.

“That’s the way we look at things whatever the result has been, we can’t change what’s gone on in the past so there’s no point in dwelling on it. We just want to keep winning games and hopefully stay towards the top of the table.

“It started to feel like it was going to be 0-0 as the game went on, we weren’t getting the rub of the green and it was probably just a game we needed to see through. What happened happened and we’ve just got to get over it and concentrate on the weekend.”  

“We were all fine in the dressing room after the game,” he explained. “We were on a good run but all runs come to an end at some point. The way it happened was unfortunate but there’s nothing we can do about it, we’ll just put it behind us and concentrate on the weekend.

“Even after the weekend we’re still all confident and lively. We’re always buzzing to come in and we’ll just carry that good feeling into the weekend and continue what we’ve been doing.”

The penalty against Barrow last Tuesday took him to 17 league goals and sent him to the top of the goalscoring charts.

“My goal total at the moment isn’t too bad is it? I would have taken that for January at the start of the season. I’ve just got to keep getting in the right positions, scoring goals and helping the team. As long as we win, then if I score it’s a bonus.

“I would agree that you’d probably call all 18 of them strikers goals. I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time, I just have a feeling for it and I seem to end up in the right position. Sometimes it falls for you and sometimes it doesn’t, it’s fallen right 18 times so far and hopefully that continues.

“I’ve never had a consistent season like this in the league, I have when I was playing non-league. I’ve just got to keep getting in the right places which will hopefully mean I get more goals and help us stay up the top end of the table.

“I always go out thinking I’m going to score, even when I wasn’t scoring last season. I think you’ve got to go into every game believing you will score, because if the ball falls for you and you don’t believe in yourself then you’ll probably miss. I back myself nine times out of ten and hopefully I can continue that this weekend.”

Ahead of Saturday’s trip to Wimbledon, he said: “Saturday will be a tough game, the home game against them was tough but we managed to win 2-1. They posed a threat that day and nothing will change this weekend. We’ve just got to go there and be professional which will hopefully mean we get three points.

“The run has come to an end so now we just want to start another one. We’ve got three games next week with two of them at home after the Wimbledon game, so we’ll be looking to pick up points to keep us up the right end of the table.

“Things are going well and it’s always nice to be nominated for personal awards. It would be nice to win them but even if I don’t, the most important thing is for us to have something to play for at the end of the season.

"As long as the team are winning then that will usually mean I’m doing alright, but the end of the season is the main thing.

“The way we’ve been playing has given us a great opportunity as we get towards the end of the season. Even when we’ve lost a couple of games we seem to bounce back, it’s important to just keep winning games.

"I don’t think teams like coming up here, I didn’t when I played at other clubs, so we have to make it a horrible place for teams to come. The fans really help with that by creating a good atmosphere for us and long may that continue.

And what’s his goalscoring target for the season?

“I don’t know what my target is!

“I just want to keep scoring but I really want something to play for towards the end of the season.”

Read Time: 4 mins