STRICTLY BEST WISHES: I'm really proud of her

Cumbria’s very own Helen Skelton is in the final of one of the biggest competitions there is tonight – and we’re all rooting for her as she prepares to round off a wonderful few months as one of the shining lights of Strictly Come Dancing.

“I’m really proud and pleased for her, and I probably don’t tell her that enough,” brother Gav Skelton said. “It’s not just what she’s achieved, it’s how she’s done it.

“It isn’t just the dancing, it’s the demands of the whole process of what she’s going through. I can see how much she’s changed and the way she’s embraced it so, as her brother, I’m really proud of her.”

“I never see her as a celebrity, she’s just my sister,” he added. “I can tell when I’ve talked to her that she’s in a better place and hopefully she goes out and really enjoys it.

“I know she’ll want to win it, because that’s what she’s like, but I hope she can really enjoy it because it’s a once in a lifetime experience.

“I know myself, sometimes you can let things pass you by and you don’t always realise how lucky you are when you’re actually doing whatever it is you’re doing.

“I’ll be watching at home, hopefully I can get the kids to settle and watch with me, and my mum, dad and wife are going down there to see it live.

“People are asking if she’s taught me anything but, I have to say, it’s me who has been teaching her – I was quite a good mover, you should have seen me in Penrith back in my younger days!

“The only advice I can give her is to really enjoy it and make sure she leaves nothing on the dance floor.”

Manager Paul Simpson added: “She’s done brilliantly hasn’t she. I look at them all and I think they’re brilliant, to have the courage to go and do something like that, which is way out of your comfort zone on a dancefloor in front of millions of people, is fantastic.

“I keep hearing them say they’ve been on a great journey, and it does look like a real journey. They must learn so much about themselves and it looks like really hard work as well.

“I think Helen has done fantastic, and I did have a little chuckle to myself when Gav popped up on the TV wishing her good luck the other week. I hope she goes and enjoys the final and, if she does that, then it will mean she’s done well.”

Could the Carlisle boss be touting for a place on next year’s guest list?

“Not a chance!” he said. “Anybody who saw me playing football will have told you I had two left feet, and when it comes to dancing I’ve definitely got two left feet!”

So that’s that rumour squashed.

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