MANAGER: He fits the DNA we want in that position

Striker Mark Cullen brings a reputation for scoring goals to Brunton Park as he joins United for the second half of what we hope will be an ultimately successful campaign.

Speaking about the deal, and the capture of a player who was very much in demand, manager Steven Pressley said: “We were made aware of his situation last week and he’s a player I’ve known about for a while.

“He’s a player who has a very good history in this league, in terms of scoring goals and gaining promotion. He’s at a really good age and he’s hungry to come here and play.

“That was one of the biggest things for me because I could tell he wanted to be here. I definitely think it’s a really important factor that we bring players in who want to come to Carlisle.

“I can assure you, he was certainly very keen to come here. He turned down the opportunity to go to another League One side to sign for us, and I think he’s a really good acquisition.”

“Another big thing is that he’s the right type of character we want at this football club,” he added. “He’s one who will fit in with the group and we’re looking forward to watching him settle in.

“He’s a striker who knows where the goal is and with the loss of Nadesan, Yates and Sowerby, who were all big goal threats for us, it was important that we brought in players who have a history of hitting the back of the net.

“Mark certainly has that, and he fits the DNA we want in that position. We wanted a couple of different options up there and he provides us with that.”

On the injury which has seen the lively striker sidelined recently, he commented: “He’s coming through the recovery period of his injury, so we know he’s a couple of weeks away from being ready and fully fit, but we still have 16 games to go and I’m sure he’s going to play a pivotal role in what we want to achieve.

“We can only go with the recent scans, assessments and reports and everything suggests that he’s going to be fine. He’ll spend this week with our physio and next week he’ll join in on the grass with the rest of the squad.

“He might not be quite ready now, but he’ll certainly be ready to be involved in a couple of weeks, and we’re looking forward to welcoming into the fold.”

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