INTERVIEW: One of the best feelings I've had

Charlie Wyke on his goals against Exeter

We spoke to striker Charlie Wyke ahead of training on Monday afternoon to get his thoughts on his late goal against Exeter on Saturday.

"I think scoring that second goal was one of the best feelings I’ve had in football," he said. "Especially with it being so late in the game - I was just happy it fell to me ... second time lucky ... and I scored.

"I think Nicky Adams was pleased I missed the first shot, then scored the second, because he finally got to say I went from 'Smelly to Pele'. I was just happy I got another chance to put it away."

"The reaction from the fans was amazing," he continued. "I could hear how loud it went straight away and everyone went mad. I saw the lads chasing me so I knew I had to get on the floor so they could all jump on top of me.

"We’ve got some heavy lads in this team so it wasn’t too nice - especially with Danny Grainger on the top!"

Speaking about the performance overall, he said: "We knew we weren’t at our best. We gave 110% but we needed someone special like Nicky [Adams] to get the ball and run at people. It was a good assist for the third goal and that’s what we needed, someone to come up with a bit of magic.

"I think it was important to get the first equaliser quickly after we’d conceded so early. In the end it was only eight minutes between them scoring and us getting one back. We know we’ve got goals in the team and no matter how long the game goes on we know we can score a goal at any time.

"The other thing about this team is that we don’t know when we’re beaten. We’ve got so much team spirit and we’re all fit lads, so we keep going right to the end. It’s a big like Fergie time and hopefully we can keep doing it. Mind you, I'd prefer it if we got things sorted a few minutes earlier next time."

The brace took the big striker level with Jason Kennedy at the top of the club scoring charts and he admitted that he thrives on getting into dangerous areas when he knows he has team mates who can get it in there for him.

"I live for getting on the end of balls in the six yard box," he told us. "I think quite a lot of my goals have come from inside that area this season and hopefully I can keep it going.

"I like scoring anyway but getting two important goals like that is fantastic. We knew we needed a performance because everyone always says the curse of manager and player of the month means you’ll lose your next game. We had to be mentally strong and make sure we bounced back from the Newport game with three points, and that’s what we’ve done.

"The dressing room was crazy after the match and Danny Grainger actually texted me later on and said it was one of the craziest moments he’d had in football. It was great to see.

"I think it’s one of those games that a lot of fans will remember because it happened so late. Hopefully we can keep making more memories for everyone."

Ahead of the trip to Grimsby on Tuesday night, he said: "It will be another tough game tomorrow night. They’re doing well at the moment but we’ll go there full of confidence knowing we can pick the three points up.

"The league table is looking nice and we want to make sure we stay in that top three."

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