Part time ticket office assistant needed
Can you fill the role of part time ticket office assistant?
Carlisle United are looking for someone with a cheerful and pleasant personality to join our busy ticket office team.
The successful applicant for this post can expect a variety of challenging roles within a busy, friendly office environment. In addition to selling tickets the post includes general administration duties, typing, copying and general filing.
The post is a 22.5 hour per week post, and hours may include some Saturday and evening working when the club has home matches.
You will need to be equally comfortable working on your own, or in a team, and be flexible in respect to the hours you work.
This is a fantastic opportunity for a pleasant, enthusiastic and experienced individual to join our club.
Terms and conditions will be dependent on the skills and competence of the applicant.
Closing date: Friday 24 January 2014
Please send your CV and covering letter to:
Suzanne Kidd
Carlisle United FC
Brunton Park
Warwick Road
Carlisle United is an equal opportunities employer.